What May Cause Dental Implant Pain after Time


Dental implant pain is a major cause for concern. Roughly speaking, dental implants (also called endosseous fixtures) are titanium-containing posts (think of them as tooth roots) which are surgically connected to one's jawbone in order to support replacement teeth. When the work's nearly done, a surgeon fits a substitute tooth to the fixture.

Even though endosseous fixtures boast a nearly flawless rate of success, some patients end up suffering from endosseous fixture failure. It's approximated from 4 to 9% of endosseous fixtures wind up failing, either almost immediately after a surgery or months/years down the road.

Here's our concise write-up, containing all the valuable information regarding endosseous fixtures and painful sensations that they might end up causing.

Examining Dental Implant Pain Causes

There exist numerous things which make a person more likely to experience pain after dental implant surgery and they include:

  • Incompetent Surgeon

In a perfect world, all surgeons are competent enough to make a short work of your endosseous fixture surgery. In reality, however, a less-than-stellar job from the surgeon could cause you to feel that dreaded pain years after the medical procedure in case it doesn't manifest itself right off the bat. To avoid this, ask your orthodontist to refer you to a good surgeon, don't pick one at random. A qualified surgeon makes all the difference in the world – they always know what number of fixtures it'll take to support your new teeth. This is absolutely vital because having an insufficient number of fixtures puts too much stress on it. In addition to that, working with a capable surgeon might prevent iatrogenic injury. Your best bet is to pick a surgeon with years of experience behind their back. Don’t hesitate to ask them for details of the surgery itself and your personal recovery plan.

  • Improper Oral Hygiene

Your oral hygiene is incredibly vital because it influences the success ratio in a major way. In case you have any conditions that stop you from taking good care of your teeth, then you're not a suitable candidate for endosseous fixtures.

  • Seemingly Unrelated Illnesses

There's a solid possibility of failure if you've been diagnosed with acute immune disease or illnesses like diabetes and RA, which weaken/slow down your body's healing system. Slower "recuperation" of your body could prevent osteointegration, where the fixture forms a functional connection with the jawbone. Usage of certain pharmaceuticals can also cause endosseous fixture failure. With all of that being said, it's incredibly important to mention all the pharmaceuticals (both prescribed and OTC) you're currently taking with your surgeon. In 2018, there was a study conducted by one of Canada's most prestigious medical-doctoral universities – it found that acid indigestion pills can decrease bone growth, impacting implant's fusion with the jawbone. Also in 2018, another group of researchers put forth a study with similar results among patients taking selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).

  • Jawbone Deterioration

Procedure's success also hinges on you having sufficient bone to provide backing to the fixture. With not enough healthy bone to keep the implants in place, you're risking a huge setback. Jawbone deterioration could occur with a number of bone-thinning illnesses, including osteoporosis. Periodontal disease can also lead to jawbone's rapid deterioration.

  • Periodontal disease

Having healthy enough gingiva is among the most important criteria for surgery, you cannot undergo this procedure if you're suffering from active periodontal disease.

  • Smoking

Smoking could cause endosseous fixture failure due to it limiting the flow of blood to the gums, hindering the healing process. There's more than enough research that shows that tobacco users have a failure rate of 19%.

Nonetheless, being a tobacco user doesn't mind you can't get yourself implants. You are strongly recommended to quit smoking at least 7 days prior to the surgery. You also won't be able to smoke for at least 60 days during the recovery.

Late Implant Discomfort: Dental Implant Pain Years Later

Your dental surgery could be a success eventually, with complications manifesting themselves years later.

To minimalize the probability of long-standing issues, continue to practice good oral hygiene and keep your teeth, fixtures, and gingiva healthy. Brushing and flossing are necessary at least three times on a daily basis, add a mouth rinse to your daily oral care routine, and be sure to visit an orthodontist every couple of months or so.

How to Avoid Pain After Dental Implant Procedure?

Look into alternatives, reread the info regarding the causes of failure, and avoid habits that harm the teeth. VillageDentalMedicine Blog