Stages of Periodontal Disease


Inflammation of gums that with the lapse of time can affect the bone and surrounding areas is called gum disease. Bacteria and plague case this disease. In case a person does not take proper care of his or her teeth by daily brushing and flossing procedures, then the bacteria infect teeth, surrounding tissue and bone. This leads to teeth loss or extraction.Learn about three stages of periodontal disease and make everything possible to avoid it:

  1. The primary stage of periodontal disease is gingivitis. Teeth easily bleed while brushing. This is caused by bacteria growth and is called gingivitis. Despite the irritation of gums, teeth are firmly planted. Gingivitis does not suppose bone or tissue damages. This stage responds to treatment. If a person does not cure gingivitis, it will grow into peridontitis.
  2. The second stage is periodontitis. Do not mix this disease with gingivitis. The latter precedes peridontitis. Though, not all gingivitis cases lead to periodontal disease. Peridontitis is a disease connected with gums. It starts with bacteria building up in the mouth and may end with teeth loss and tissue destruction if not treated properly. What is peridontitis? Inner gum layer and bone move away from the teeth. In such a way pockets are formed. Such spaces between the teeth are home to debris. Teeth become infected; plague spreads and locates below the gum line. Further problems can be prevented by addressing a specialist. His dental treatment along with proper home care will save your teeth.
  3. Advanced periodontitis is the third stage of the problematic disease. The tissues and bone that surround the teeth are severely damaged at this stage. Moreover, they are simply destroyed. Teeth usually shift or loosen during advanced periodontitis. Such issues often change person’s bite. In case advanced periodontitis is not aggressively and thoroughly treated, the tooth will be removed.

Cause of Gum Disease

Periodontal disease can be caused by many factors:

  1. Smoking, and other bad habits
  2. Hormonal changes
  3. Poor care of your mouth cavity
  4. Taking medications
  5. Family history
  6. Other illnesses

Chronic Gum Disease

Avoid chronic gum disease on early stages. Contact village dental clinic and find out if you have any of these stages in order to cure your gums and teeth timely and avoid serious complications. People can face peridontal disease at any age. Though, usually adults suffer from chronic gum disease. Regular visits to your NY dentist will give a warning to the disease. In case you have noticed the following symptoms, immediately contact NY dental clinic:

  • Sensitive or swollen gums
  • Bleeding during brushing
  • Teeth look longer because of receded gums
  • A pocket created by gum separation
  • Bad taste in the mouth cavity
  • Constant bad breath All these symptoms signalize about periodontal problems.