When is Veneer Replacement Necessary?

Veneer replacement is a necessary procedure in case of deterioration of the aesthetic appearance of the teeth and space to make your smile even more perfect.
With the advent of new technologies and rising living standards, more and more people are thinking about how to improve their appearance. This is especially true for teeth. Even people with healthy teeth turn to the services of aesthetic dentistry to correct cosmetic defects – the color of the enamel, a chip on the tooth, the interdental gap, and so on. Today, this task has become even easier thanks to various technologies in dentistry. To do this, dentists use different types of dental pads: lumineers or veneers. Both types of plates have the same function – to solve aesthetic imperfections. Veneers and their different variations are especially popular today. Sometimes patients feel that replacing lumineers with veneers is the better solution. However, due to the high cost of this technology, many are interested in the lifespan of veneers.
When Veneers Want to Be Replaced
High-quality and correctly fixed veneers serve a person for several years. But still, these dental pads are not eternal, and it is initially understood that sooner or later their owner will need to go to the clinic to replace them.
Such dental plates are installed on a very strong glue (cement, adhesive), so they are difficult to tear off or remove. Replacing veneers on front teeth is carried out only in a dental clinic: attempts to remove the plates yourself will damage the tooth. As a rule, new veneers are prepared immediately after removal, they can be installed on the same day. However, during the procedure, the doctor will examine the oral cavity for the presence of dental diseases or damage: if there are signs of caries on the teeth or inflammation in tooth tissue, treatment must be carried out before installing new veneers. To keep new restorations in good condition, it’s necessary to strictly observe the rules of oral hygiene. With proper installation and care, the condition of the teeth under the plates does not change.
Replacing old veneers and installing new ones should be put in purely upon the fact that the dental pads are worn out. As a rule, there are no scheduled replacement dates or expiration dates after which the veneer would be considered incapable of performing its function. If the plate is intact, has not changed color and texture, has no chips, and does not peel off from the tooth, then it can be worn further. If any defect appears, it have to be replaced immediately after discovering, without wearing it out to any formal deadlines.
The reasons for replacing veneers are:
- mechanical damage (chips and cracks), which are usually visually noticeable, and sometimes also felt by touch with the tongue;
- shade changes. This happens with composite veneers since the original color changes, the veneer becomes too noticeable and different from your teeth;
- the presence of caries under the veneer;
- Poorly made overlay that does not match the tooth in shape or shade.
Why You Should Replace Veneers
The decision to replace the veneer largely depends on the patient and his desire to take care of his smile. Such a plate can serve for a long time, pleasing with its aesthetics, but sooner or later it becomes necessary to renew the dental pads.
The most common reasons for replacing composite veneers are peeling or chipping. Given that the veneer, like a ceramic lining on the teeth, is a rather delicate structure, it is subject to mechanical deformations. In addition, damage to veneers can also cause health problems:
- incorrect position of the wisdom teeth can change the position of other teeth, that is, change the bite and thereby cause the veneers to peel off;
- diseases that cause too much jaw compression (such as bruxism or damage to the jaw joint) also provoke problems with veneers.
Despite the ideal appearance of dental veneers, you should not neglect a visit to the dentist, because only a specialist can conduct a quality examination of the oral cavity and detect any dental problems, such as caries. In this case, the replacement of the veneer is a necessity.
How Many Times Can Veneers Be Replaced
Typically, veneers are a permanent cosmetic solution. But, the reality is that, like dental crowns, fillings, bridges, and other restorations, over time, they may need to be replaced with new ones. Depending on how well you take care of them, they can last 10 years or more. But ultimately, replacing porcelain veneers is essential if you want your teeth to look beautiful and perfect. How long veneers last largely depends on the observance of simple rules for care and maintenance. First of all, they cannot be subjected to mechanical stress – bite your nails or other hard objects, clean them from a plaque on time, and do not abuse coloring drinks such as coffee, tea, red wine, etc. How long the veneers will last depends on how you follow the doctor's recommendations. On average, their service life is from 10 to 20 years.
If the tooth structure is strong, then the dental veneer replacement can be managed several times, depending on the need. Keep in mind that every time you decide to have a replacement, your teeth will be subjected to mechanical stress.
The decision to install the plates must be conscious or based on medical indications. This is because the installation of veneers is an irreversible process. The procedure itself involves turning the teeth, after which the enamel will no longer be restored. If the tooth is left uncovered, then its surface will be at risk of developing caries, and will also cause discomfort while eating. Therefore, after removing the veneer, it is important to choose the optimal protection for the tooth, which is right for you.