5 Things You Didn't Know About Teeth Cleaning

Is teeth cleaning necessary? – The issue arises when we are too lazy to do the daily procedure.
Without any doubt, we wish to have healthy teeth and charming smile. Most of us pay attention to the state of the interlocutorʼs teeth and consider that this guy with a snow-white smile is irresistible. The point is that white teeth are a kind of sign of health and good genetics and also is a guarantee of human wellness in general. That’s why it’s important to take care about it. If you systematically violate hygiene, then the natural plaque that forms on the teeth begins to overgrow with microbes. That is the reason of periodontal diseases and caries. Caries dissolves tooth enamel and soon it can lead to the formation of a hole, the aching tooth begins to feel pain in response to the adoption of hot and cold food, sweet, salty and sour dishes. If the patient persistently does not treat tooth decay, it all ends with a tooth extraction. The first step towards maintaining the oral cavity in perfect condition is to properly clean teeth, which consists not only in systematically observing the rules of personal hygiene, but also in prophylactic cleaning of teeth from hard debris and dental calculus, which should be done using dental services. You might wonder if teeth cleaning can damage teeth. There are no worries because professional cleaning is aimed at improving the oral cavity and including teeth and gums.
Sometimes It’s Hard to Choose Between All Types of Teeth Cleaning
When we mention teeth cleaning, we speak about professional procedure and not brushing teeth at home. Modern dentistry offers three types of hygienic cleaning of teeth: dry, mechanical and ultrasonic.
Dry cleaning was the method that dentists began to use but it became less popular with time. Its essence lies in a chemical reaction that removes plaque from teeth without damaging enamel. The doctor applies a special paste, and activates chemical processes, directing the light of the medical lamp to the teeth.
Mechanical cleaning is usually carried out in two stages. The first one involves special tools. The dentist removes parts of the stuck food and plaque from hard-to-reach places, using various brushes and hooks. The second stage is cleaning with an Air Flow device; this is a special nozzle that feeds a stream of compressed air onto the teeth with minerals and tiny abrasive particles. Thanks to this procedure the harmful plaque is removed. The effect is noticeable immediately after the procedure, while it takes only a few minutes.
Ultrasonic cleaning is considered the safest way to hygienically teeth cleaning, in terms of the impact on the enamel. A special nozzle emits high-frequency sound waves that literally crush dental calculus.
Dentists also use different teeth cleaning methods among which can be distinguished routine and deep cleaning method. Routine brushing will not eliminate bacteria that are found in large numbers under the surface of the gums. Its main purpose is to remove tartar and polish the teeth. Unlike this method, deep cleaning can solve severe problems like gum disease, the early stages of gingivitis and periodontitis. This method is much more profound and can be divided into two steps, depending on the degree of cleaning and the level of patient comfort.
You might be wondering if there are any teeth cleaning side effects. They are usually temporary and depend on how a patient cares for the oral cavity.
In Conclusion, Why Teeth Cleaning is So Important?
The health of your teeth directly depends on how carefully you take care of them. Professional cleaning will help prevent many inflammatory processes, caries and unpleasant smell from the mouth. In addition, with a snow-white healthy smile, you will definitely feel more comfortable and more confident.