Neuromodulator injections for Bruxism Procedure in NYC

neuromodulator injections for bruxism procedure in NYC

Over the past few years, neuromodulator injections for bruxism has not ceased to be relevant due to its benefits in numerous pathologies. For most, neuromodulator injections is associated with the world of cosmetics, and this is partly true: such injections are very popular for hiding the symptoms of aging and smoothing wrinkles. However, its application is not limited to the field of aesthetic cosmetology. One of the main results of the use of neuromodulator injections is muscle paralysis, due to which the same smoothing effect appears, so beloved by cosmetologists. At Village Dental Medicine, experts provide high-quality bruxism treatment. At NYC we offer the most optimal neuromodulator injections for teeth grinding price.

Bruxism Treatment with neuromodulator injections

In Manhattan, neuromodulator injections are often used in the treatment of bruxism. The purpose of this procedure is to partially relax the muscles responsible for the chewing movement. The effect of using this method remains for 3-4 months, during which those muscle fibers that did not participate in contractions gradually decrease in size. Over time, the grinding of teeth stops, and facial features in the jaw area become smoother. There is a visual narrowing of the face, which takes on a more oval shape. Small doses of neuromodulator are injected with a thin needle directly into the overstressed masticatory muscles.

At our dental clinic in Greenwich Village , the procedure is minimally invasive and almost painless, although local anesthesia may sometimes be administered by our specialists. The whole process takes about 15 minutes.

The use of neuromodulator injections for clenching jaw treatment may be recommended in the following cases:

  • pain in the area of the temporomandibular joint;
  • limited mouth opening;
  • clicks and discomfort when moving the lower jaw;
  • pathological abrasion of enamel;
  • overstrain of masticatory muscles, their soreness;
  • preparation for implantation, classical prosthetics;
  • orthodontic treatment.

It is important to understand that every case is different and the decision to use neuromodulator injections for teeth clenching should be made in consultation with a qualified healthcare professional. In Village Dental Medicine, before the procedure, specialists conduct a consultation and assess the health status of each patient and the risks associated with medical manipulation.

In addition, there are certain contraindications to the use of neuromodulator injections:

  • pustular skin lesions, ulcers;
  • viral and infectious diseases in the acute stage;
  • neuromuscular diseases;
  • constant use of certain medications and antibiotics;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • diabetes;
  • allergic reactions to the components of the drug;
  • oncology and severe mental disorders.

It is important to remember that the neuromodulator injections procedure for the bruxism treatment should be entrusted to an experienced medical specialist. This will minimize risks and achieve the best results.

neuromodulator injections for teeth grinding price

How Does Neuromodulator Injections for Bruxism Work?

With an increased tone of the masticatory muscle, it is necessary to safely and reliably achieve its relaxation. Various muscle relaxants, physiotherapy, and reflexology do not provide accurate and lasting effects. Modern research has proven the effectiveness of injections for the treatment of bruxism and neuromodulator injections occupie a prominent place in this. Neuromodulator injections block nerve impulses from the central nervous system to muscle fibers. In the case of bruxism, neuromodulator injections can be used to temporarily block the nerve signals to the jaw muscles that cause the teeth to grind and clench.

On the day of the procedure, as a rule, no special preparation is required on the part of the patient. However, your doctor may provide some advice regarding certain medications that may affect the outcome of the procedure. The introduction of neuromodulator injections occur at strictly defined points, affecting a specific muscle. The process of removing the drug from the body usually takes several months. During this period, the facial and jaw muscles acquire their natural mobility.

Neuromodulator injections therapy often do not cause complications, so the patient can immediately return to their normal daily routine. If there are any nuances, the doctor may advise special care measures after the procedure. The result of neuromodulator injections are felt after a few days and lasts for several months. If necessary, the doctor may schedule a follow-up visit to improve and maintain the result.

neuromodulator injections for clenching jaw cost

Benefits of Using Neuromodulator Injections for Teeth Grinding

In modern dentistry, the use of neuromodulator injections to stop teeth grinding is one of the most effective methods. This has some advantages over other treatments for bruxism. Experts note the positive effect of injections, which appears soon. First of all, it concerns the relaxation of the clamped masticatory muscles and the elimination of painful spasms. This result persists for several months. Neuromodulator injections begin to act immediately and gently relieves tension and discomfort. To minimize side effects, the specialist injects the medicine at strictly defined points, which does not affect the work of other facial structures.

Thanks to Neuromodulator njections therapy, you can even out the lip line before and after prosthetics or oral surgery. In addition, the correction of the gingival smile will be possible without surgical intervention.

As a bonus, you will quietly break the habit of clenching your jaw and reduce the effects of bruxism. The drug itself does not cause addiction and is eliminated from the body after a while. The very effect of injections will begin to appear within a few days after the procedure, and patients can feel relief in the first weeks.

bruxism treatment price in NYC

Side Effects of Using Neuromodulator Injections for Bruxism

It is worth noting that the use of this method of treating bruxism can cause some temporary side effects. They are usually associated with the injection procedure and may vary depending on the individual patient. The appearance of pain symptoms, bruising and swelling at the injection site is quite natural. In addition, some patients note the presence of a slight headache after the procedure.

Remember, as with any injection, there is a risk of infection, bleeding, or other complications. This is more likely due to the professionalism of the doctor and how correctly the procedure was carried out. Although allergic reactions to neuromodulator injections are rare, they are possible and may include itching and rashes in the treated area.

It is important to choose an experienced certified doctor who has been trained and has an official permit for neuromodulator injections therapy – this is a rather complicated procedure with its subtleties. If the rules of storage, selection of dosage and technique of injection are not followed, there may be complications.

Cost of Neuromodulator Injections for Bruxism

In Village Dental Medicine, located in the heart of New York, we are pleased to offer you an innovative solution to the problem of grinding teeth – Neuromodulator Injections treatment. This method is an effective way to relax the jaw muscles which can cause unwanted tooth movement during sleep or daytime activities.

Our highly qualified specialists are experienced in Neuromodulator Injections procedures and are ready to provide you with individual advice. During the consultation, we will discuss your needs in detail, answer your questions and determine the best treatment plan.

Realizing that each patient is unique, we strive to provide our clients with the flexibility and understanding to choose the best option. Neuromodulator injections for bruxism cost may depend on several factors, including the extent of the procedure and your individual needs. We invite you for a consultation at our clinic in Greenwich Village near the TUE Thai Food restaurant.