Adult Teeth Straightening


Adult teeth straightening became rather popular nowadays. It is an easy way to correct the mistake of kids (or maybe of their parents), who never wore braces and grew up with crooked teeth.

Straightening teeth is a process that ends up with beautifully aligned teeth. Teeth straightening options for adults include a wide range of possible variants starting from regular metal braces and going up to invisalign braces.

Metal braces are considered to be a classic variant of teeth straightening. They are made of stainless-steel wire that is affixed with plastic ligatures to metal brackets attached to the front side of the patient’s teeth. Usually, this kind of braces is the cheapest one. Though, it is a vestige of the past. Recollect those “metal mouth” some kid at your school had. At first you will feel yourself not very comfortable, but later you will get used. You will have to visit your specialist every six weeks. There are ceramic braces. It is an upgraded version of common metal braces.

They are brackets that are affixed to the patient’s teeth. By the way, Tom Cruise wore them few years ago. This kind of braces is made from material that is not so noticeable at first sight. The thing is that the material is tooth-coloured or translucent. The wire can be done correspondently with the teeth colour as well. Though, the translucent material is easily stained, so your ceramic braces will not be invisible very soon. As a rule, ceramic teeth straightening products are larger than the metal ones.

Teeth straightening methods spread at self-ligating braces. The difference here is in the brackets. They consist of built-in clips that hold the wire while previous kinds of braces need ligatures to go around tiny hooks on the front part of the brackets. Self-ligating braces can be easily cleaned, as their surface is smoother. The visits to the orthodontist will be shorter as the specialist will not have to take off and replace ligatures during your adjustment visits. This kind of braces is still not completely invisible.

Lingual braces are among teeth straightening options. They are placed on the flip-side of the patient’s bite. On one hand that is why they are almost invisible. On the other hand, their installment takes efforts of both orthodontist and patient. Besides, they influence the patient’s speech.

Teeth straightening for adults include clear, molded plastic aligners that are attached on the teeth. They are called invisalign. Smooth plastic will not bother your mouth and no one will see the trays on your teeth. Since the aligners are removable, you will not have any issues with their cleaning and while eating. Sure, they cost more, but the result is worth trying. Village Dental Medicine blog.