Are Orthodontic Pacifiers Better?
It’s believed that pacifiers have rather a negative impact on kids , to be exact on their teeth. Nevertheless, lots of parents throughout the world keep making use of pacifiers as the mankind hasn’t invented a better way of coming young kids down. If your kid is four years old, using pacifiers may cause open bite, overbite or crossbite.
All of these dental disorders will most likely affect speech, chewing and appearance, so professional dental services may be required. However, pacifiers can be useful for young babies because they prevent so called “baby-bottle cavities” in teeth. It’s up to you to choose a high quality baby pacifier from a reputable manufacturer for your kid to ensure safety and decent care.
Disadvantages of Using Orthodontic Pacifiers
If your baby get used to pacifiers you’ve got nothing to do except getting this stuff for your kid. Perhaps, you’ve heard about orthodontic pacifiers. All of them feature a flat bottom as well as a rounded top. They’re specially designed to divert dental disorders in baby’s life. However, orthodontic pacifiers aren’t the only possible healthy option for your child. You may also opt for traditional-shaped products with a rounded top. In fact, both kinds of pacifier nipples can potentially provoke bite problems, including overbite. In order to minimize dental damages new york NY dentist recommends you to take the paci away before your baby reaches the age of two.
How to Choose the Best Orthodontic Pacifiers?
When it comes to choosing the ideal material for your kid’s pacifier, we can say that both latex and silicone pacifier nipples have their own advantages and it’s up to your baby to make the final verdict. Silicone boasts decent sturdiness. It’s not difficult to clean it and it never retains odors. As for latex, this material is soft for the mouth. Your kid may appreciate the way this stuff retains scents. Unfortunately, latex can’t withstand repeated cleanings and it isn’t sturdy enough.
If you’ve made up your mind to buy a pacifier for your kid, make sure it isn’t less than 1.5 inches across – the must-have requirement to prevent choking. Then, rashes may arise from the constant moisture under the paci shield. As follows from this, you require purchasing the pacifier with special vent holes in its shield, so the air could get to your kid’s skin and divert rashes. A good paci tolerates boiling and cleaning in the dishwasher.
It’s advisable to let your kid try the pacifier before buying. Your kid may dislike it and you don’t want another waste of money, do you? Stay away from using home-made pacifiers – no one guarantees that they will be good for your little child. Good baby pacifier products are manufactured with strict control to ensure safety.
Avoid tying the paci on your baby. Otherwise you’ll blame yourself for strangulation. You require purchasing a pacifier clip, so the pacifier could be firmly attached to a diaper bag or to anything else except your baby. For more information about pacifiers, contact West Village Dental Medicine and book online appointments for dentist.