Clasp Dentures. How to Properly Fix and Remove a Clasp Prosthesis?

Clasp dentures are a time-tested and numerous practice orthopedic design, characterized by a high degree of reliability and, as a result, a long service life.
Such a prosthesis fully meets the aesthetic requirements of modern dentistry and is also fully capable of restoring dentition in case of loss of native teeth. Partial dentures without metal clasps are used for partial adentia when one or more teeth need to be replaced. In what cases do dentists recommend such kinds of prosthetics?
- the need to install a highly aesthetic design that almost completely imitates natural teeth and gums,
- lack of dentition to ensure the reliability of fastening and stability of the structure during loading,
- a high degree of curvature of individual elements of the dentition,
- flat palate,
- bite dysfunction,
- enamel wear,
- crown height reduction,
- changes in periodontal tissues
- the presence of diabetes.
Before recommending the installation of the clasp, the dentist examines if there is a sensitivity of the gums, checks the number and condition of the remaining teeth for support, and the configuration of the alveolar processes. Dentures with metal clasps are installed for 5-8 years, so the decision must be balanced.
What are Clasp Prostheses?
A clasp prosthesis is a type of denture in the form of an arc as a removable structure. Such a high-tech design solves two problems at once: splinting of teeth and prosthetics. They have more pros than cons. If there are indications for their use, patients, as a rule, are satisfied with their use, because they have therapeutic and prophylactic properties: restoration of the structure of the dentition and prevention of further tooth loss.
The arch of the clasp prosthesis acts as the basis for the setting of artificial teeth. An arc is made of metal and covered with acrylic plastic on top. The arched design evenly distributes the load between the gums and teeth, which increases the convenience of its use. The popularity of arc structures is explained by the advantages of use. If the design is made and installed correctly, then the disadvantages of wearing byugels will not appear. Important benefits:
- Fast adaptation;
- Reliability of fixation;
- Uniform distribution;
- Compact size and natural look;
- Comfort in use;
- Affordable alternative to implants;
- Durability.
As for the disadvantages of this design, it’s worth noting the presence of an adaptation period, during which it’s necessary to get used to the installed prosthesis. During this period the patient may have some discomfort. The process of manufacturing and installation of the byugel requires significant and labor-intensive costs, and a high level of qualification of specialists, which is reflected in the high cost of this type of construction, in comparison with other types of removable dentures. Also, the patient must have strong teeth in sufficient numbers, which will serve as a support for the prosthesis.
Types of Clasp Dentures
The choice of one or another type of denture depends on individual medical evidence and case specifics. There is a denture with clasps and with locks.
A clasp is a special metal element that is attached to the jaw and distributes the pressure on the teeth during chewing. In the treatment, cast clasps are most often used, which are made together with the frame of the denture. Thanks to suprabulge clasp and infrabulge clasp, the strength of the entire structure is very strong and durable. The tooth enamel is not damaged at all. The only drawback of the clasp prosthesis is low aesthetics since metal hooks can be seen in the mouth when smiling.
The clasp prosthesis with locks looks like non-metal clasp dentures. Therefore, it’s more aesthetic – any of its metal elements are not visible from the outside of the teeth. The light and durable bridge design of the prosthesis transfers part of the chewing pressure to the abutment teeth. All fixing components are hidden inside the design of the prosthesis, therefore, from the outside, the NMCDs are completely impossible to distinguish from real healthy teeth. An important side of this type of prosthesis is compactness and high aesthetics.
How to Fix and Remove a Clasp Prosthesis
If the prosthesis breaks, do not be afraid. This is often easy to refurbish in the lab. How do you know if a clasp dental prosthesis needs repair? With loose fixation or a broken crown, it becomes impossible to use the prosthesis. The chewing process is disturbed, it becomes uncomfortable to talk, and at the wrong moment, the design may fall out of the mouth. Often, the breakage of the prosthesis occurs when biting off too hard food and as a result of natural wear and tear. Bruxism can also be the cause. Sometimes structural elements simply wear out and need to be replaced. For example, in clasp prostheses with a fixation on attachments, lock breakage is a fairly common occurrence. Their replacement will provide the prosthesis with additional years of service. Other types of fasteners also become unusable over time. The prosthesis must be tightly fixed in the mouth, loosening will soon lead to the breakage of its other elements.
If a person is wondering how to remove a clasp removable partial denture at home, then before carrying out this procedure, he should rinse his mouth with plain water. Remove the structure 2-3 times a day. After removal, a thorough hygiene of the oral cavity and the prostheses themselves is carried out with the slop of toothpaste and special rinses. In addition, it’s important to protect the removed structure from falls and bumps, as this may affect its functionality. Do not forget to visit the dentist for a routine examination and correction of the prosthesis. In general, clasp designs can be worn for 5-7 years. With good care, they will serve a person for 10 years.
Currently, partial dentures with clear clasps are the most popular type of dental prosthetics. Thanks to the use of new materials and equipment, it became possible to make the design of the clasp prosthesis light, comfortable and invisible to prying eyes. This type of dental prosthetics makes it possible not only to restore the structure of the dentition but also is a means of preventing further tooth loss. The unique design allows you to effectively save teeth and gums due to the optimal distribution of chewing load.