Deep Gum Pockets: Everything You Should Know About This Periodontal Disease


Periodontal diseases affect a lot of people around the world. This is the first reason of the adults’ teeth lost. Gum inflammation may be associated with the wrong oral hygiene and with a number of other ailments such as heart disease, diabetes mellitus etc. Since the symptoms can be almost invisible, many of us do not realize the presence of periodontal disease. Healthy gums are not only vital for a good smile, but also for the general health of the body.

One of the main symptoms of the gum disease is the size of the gum pockets, that is to say, the intervals around the teeth lying below the gum line that becomes infected. These pockets can provide a good environment for different bacteria, thus developing the infections in the oral cavity.

The Nature of the Pockets

Healthy gums always have a pale color. Their structure itself is completely detached from the teeth; therefore, its upper part only partially adjoins to the surface of the tooth. While cleaning, the toothbrush fibers reach no more than 2-3 millimeters of the gum line, thereby not damaging them. But having a bad oral hygiene, bacteria may partially stay between teeth and gums (in their pockets). In this case, the gum is inflamed, separated even more from the tooth, leading to the destruction of the tissue structure that holds the teeth.

Diagnosing Periodontal Disease

It is very easy to determine the presence of gum inflammation. If you have a bad breath, bleeding and swollen gums, immediately contact a dental clinic! Your dentist should determine the degree of inflammation, its causes and gums treatment. In addition to the visual assessment of the health of the oral cavity, your dentist should measure the pocket depth around each tooth by a periodontal probe, determining the progressiveness of the periodontal disease. Healthy pockets have a depth of 1-3 mm, meanwhile 4 mm or more indicate that the gum tissue begins to separate from the surface of the tooth.

Elimination of Pockets

The first stage of treating periodontal disease is the professional cleaning of the teeth. The dentist removes all the newly created tartar, the plaque so that your gum can get on the tooth again. In complicated situations, the doctor can offer you a surgical intervention to avoid tooth decay and to stabilize the condition of the periodontal disease.

Also, don’t forget about your daily oral hygiene: do not save money on the quality of toothbrushes and toothpaste.

Deep Cleaning

The main task of a dentist is to return the health to your oral cavity. For this purpose, using special tools, he works on the line of the gums, cleanses them from the rest of food, plague, and also destroys the bacteria that have already accumulated in the dental pockets. During these deep cleanings, you can ask your dentist for sedation as this procedure can be very painful.

Periodontal disease should be treated and monitored continuously. As a rule, you should visit the dentist every 3-4 months to make sure your gum is already healthy and the bacteria do not provoke inflammation anymore. People who are prone to gum disease may require regular brushing of teeth, special procedures in professional dental clinics. In general, it is usually enough to have proper oral and dental care every six months.

Do not forget that the health of your oral cavity depends only on you! If you notice the inflammation of the gum, do not delay the disease and ask for a qualified dentist to provide the best chance of healing.