What is the difference between ceramic and porcelain dental crowns?


Difference between ceramic and porcelain dental crowns is something that comes to mind of everyone who explores the possibility of getting one or several crowns to fix their teeth. But first of all, let’s begin with explaining what’s the purpose of dental crowns for those who don’t fully understand this concept.

Dental crowns are caps sized and shaped to resemble a natural tooth and if an individual has any problems with his teeth, such as damage, discolor, decay etc., such crowns could be a good way to fix it and get a precious smile back. Today we’ll talk about porcelain and ceramic crowns that are the best available from the aesthetic point of view.

Porcelain crowns and their problems

Porcelain crowns are known for resembling a human tooth as good as possible and being the most time- efficient way to restore your natural smile. It is really hard to distinguish them from natural teeth and they’re unlikely to cause any allergic reactions because of being fully bio-compatible. As good as they are there’s some problems with them as every type of dental crown has its side effects and cons. One of the biggest concerns regarding porcelain crowns is their price, but if you’re willing to go high end, that’s something you have to deal with it. Another problem is porcelain being quite fragile, which can lead to such consequences as your teeth being chipped or cracked during biting or physical contact, so it’s not recommended to play sports without any kind of mouth guard when porcelain crowns are in place. There are also other porcelain crown disadvantages such as grounding away too much of original teeth or increasing your sensitivity to hot and cold. So, in order to understand the difference between porcelain and ceramic crowns let’s take a look at their rivals. Hope our article will help you decide what’s the best type of tooth crown for your individual case.

Ceramic crowns and their disadvantages

All-ceramic crowns are even more natural-looking because they’re made using the newest technologies involving 3D design, which allows to create a tooth of any shape and form you want. Such crowns don’t include any metal and are very friendly for people who have metal hypersensitivity as well. They’re also bio compatible so they won’t damage the tissues located in your mouth and will definitely be comfortable to wear once you get used to it. It’s obviously all great, but one of the more frequently asked questions is: how long do ceramic crowns last? And it’s only fair to answer it: not as long as other types of crowns. Durability is the main issue with ceramic crowns and while they are still definitely able to serve you for many years, there’s a higher risk of them breaking or cracking than with their porcelain counterparts. And besides, they can’t be repaired if their full thickness has cracked. It should be said though, minor chips can be smoothened and your crown will be good again, so that’s a pro. Some people also see their appearance as an issue, because no machine can create a better looking tooth than the one handcrafted by a technician, but still, it’d be noticeable only if you look very closely.

Well, most people don’t usually do that very often. Well, that’s it for differences between ceramic and porcelain dental crowns. Hope this material was really helpful! Stay tuned for more!