Is Eating with New Dentures Hard?


Eating with New Dentures Can Be Hassle-free

Eating with new dentures doesn't seem to be an easy task. Many people report feeling extremely anxious when it comes to learning how to chew with dentures. Make no mistake, due to dentures being made from plastic, there can be seriously uncomfortable sensations while you're still getting used to them – salivating more than needed, feeling painful sensations, failing to taste some of the food, and similarly uncomfortable symptoms are reported quite frequently. There's plenty to uncover about this fascinating subject, so let's get right into it!

Can You Eat with Dentures?

The answer to that question is rather simple. Yes, you absolutely can eat with dentures. Otherwise… what's the point? As stated above, there are some things that you'll have overcome before you get 100% used to your new dentures, but there's no real reason for you to avoid food.

What Can I Eat with Dentures?

We suggest starting out with softer foods, namely:

  • Eggs;
  • Seafood;
  • Chopped meat;
  • Puddings;
  • Cooked vegetables;
  • Ice-cream.

The above mentioned foods won't put too much pressure on your mouth while chewing and that means you'll start to feel more comfortable after effortlessly consuming some of your preferred foods!

How to Eat with Partial Dentures?

These types of dentures (oftentimes called "partials";) offer a very workable way of restoring your smile. Nonetheless, many people still encounter issues when it comes to eating with partials. Here are a few tips to use to avoid any possible difficulties:

  1. Don't rush it Just to reiterate, you shouldn't expect your mouth to readjust immediately. During the initial stages, many foods might not taste the same, you might unintentionally burn your mouth, etc. The main thing here is to go for softer, smaller foods during the first month or so.
  2. Avoid biting with your front teeth In case your partial dentures happen to be up front, biting into various food might be an insurmountable challenge. Avoid foods that require you to use front teeth a lot or cut them into smaller pieces.
  3. Avoid food that's bad for your partials These foods include: candy, peanut butter, steak and ribs, popcorn, and some other "harder" foods.
  4. Be sure to brush and clean the partial dentures Food particles and germs can accumulate on partial dentures just as they'd on regular teeth. If left with no treatment, that infection can damage gums beneath the partial dentures, which consequently makes food consumption even more problematic or agonizing.  

Foods to Eat After Getting Dentures

We have already covered the foods that you can eat during your first month, now let's talk about the kinds of foods you can add to your daily ration before you get 100% used to your new dentures. The list of safe foods includes:

  • Bananas;
  • Cheesecake;
  • Mousse;
  • Risotto;
  • Baked beans and pasta;
  • Cottage cheese;
  • Avocado;
  • Soup;
  • Spinach;
  • Mashed potatoes;
  • Soft cheese;
  • Broth;
  • Oatmeal;
  • Melted cheese;
  • Applesauce;
  • Pies;
  • Stew.

Granted, that is not a conclusive selection of foods that you can eat during the most part of your recovery process, but it still is a good place to start.

What Happens After Recovery?

As soon as you are completely accustomed to wearing and eating with dentures, you should be able to go for just about any food. Nevertheless, there might be some foods that'll always be problematic to consume. For example, foods which are solid or toffee-like. Even with a healthy mouth and well-suited dentures, it';s wise to be cautious while consuming whole fresh fruits, hard crispy bread, tough stringy red meats, almond butter, gum, candy, berries with seeds, nuts and peanuts, sunflower seeds, and coconut. After all we’ve mentioned above, you'll be able to quickly readjust to your new lifestyle and completely enjoy your life! VillageDentalMedicine Blog

Article Approved by:

Divya Bhandari Hygienist, RDH