Gum Contouring Surgery: When is It Necessary?

If you're looking for a way how to give your smile a more even and symmetrical look, then gum contouring may be the solution for you.
This is a surgical operation on the soft tissues of the mucosa to restore, change or correct the gingival contour and improve the aesthetics of the dentition. This procedure is of great importance in improving the aesthetics, as well as in the restoration of front teeth with veneers or crowns. It is also recommended to eliminate the consequences of periodontal disease, acquired or congenital anomalies. The procedure is performed surgically or using a laser technique, which is less traumatic and highly effective.
Like any surgical intervention, gum contouring can both solve complex problems and cause complications. Dentists note the positive aspects of this procedure:
- rapid elimination of large periodontal pockets;
- return of smile aesthetics;
- strengthening a tooth with a bare root and rolling;
- minimum contraindications;
- general anesthesia is not required.
The disadvantages of the operation are a possible increase in tooth sensitivity, swelling, and pain. As a rule, complications are temporary and disappear within a few days. The patient is prescribed anesthetics to eliminate pain.
When is Gum Contouring Necessary
Gingival surgery in dentistry is performed to give the periodontal a natural contour. This allows not only to create a beautiful smile but also to get rid of chronic dental problems. Proper execution of the procedure protects the roots of the tooth and helps prevent many diseases. During the operation, soft tissues can both build up and remove.
Most often, gum contouring surgery is prescribed to restore aesthetics, but it is often necessary for medical reasons. The growth of gum tissue eliminates hyperesthesia and strengthens the dental unit. Such a dental operation is prescribed in such cases:
- exposure of the neck of the tooth;
- deep pockets in the periodontium;
- hypertrophy and atrophy of soft tissues;
- uneven gingival margin;
- restoration of the gums after injuries.
Also, gum correction may be necessary before the procedure for restoring teeth. For example, before prosthetics, as well as before/after the installation of implants.
Although this type of dental surgery is very common, there are some contraindications, as with any other operation. If the patient has diseases of the heart and blood vessels, poor blood clotting, or diabetes, then gum trimming is prohibited. Before correcting the mucous surface with a laser, it is necessary to treat caries, periodontitis, and other diseases, if any, after which the procedure will not cause complications.
Types of Gum Contouring
Any operation is planned based on the results of the examination. To choose the right method for gum correction, the periodontist conducts a visual and instrumental examination. Computed tomography allows dentists to get more detailed information about the state of the jaw structures. The gum contouring procedure is performed surgically. According to the volume of intervention, this is divided into the following types:
- Localized gum contouring is a surgical manipulation in the area of one tooth, during which the dentist corrects the abnormal position of the dental unit, corrects the surrounding soft tissues, and eliminates the problem. The operation is performed under local anesthesia in 1 session.
- Generalized gum reshaping is a dental corrective intervention throughout the entire gingival contour. Under local anesthesia, the attending dentist excises the gum, forming its correct contour throughout the dentition.
There are several methods of surgical gum contouring, which differ in the direction of correction:
- gingivectomy (removal of excess soft tissue);
- gum lift because of the recession;
- gum formation by tissue grafting.
In addition, dentists often practice the laser gum contouring method. The use of such equipment for the removal of periodontal tissues makes it possible to carbonize the surface of the wound. This eliminates the risk of infection and also allows you to achieve all the aesthetic qualities available with a classic operation. Among the advantages of laser technology is the absence of blood and pain. There is no need for sutures, and postoperative swelling is an order of magnitude less.
Regeneration or tissue repair takes about 1-2 weeks, depending on the degree of complexity of the operation.
Recovery After Gum Contouring
The healing time depends on the characteristics of the intervention – as a rule, from one to several weeks. The swelling subsides within 2-5 days. While the gums are being restored, the teeth may stagger a little, and increased sensitivity may also be observed, but these phenomena will pass as the tissues heal. Recovery after gum reduction does not require any special procedures. It is enough to follow simple tips:
- gently brush your teeth with a soft brush;
- give up smoking and alcohol;
- avoid too hot or cold food, as well as reduce the consumption of acidic and spicy foods;
- regularly rinse your mouth with antiseptics;
- exclude physical activity during the recovery period.
These simple rules will help speed up the rehabilitation period and avoid complications. Remember, if the mucous membrane takes on an unnatural appearance, changes color, or edema appears, with an unpleasant odor, it is better to immediately consult a doctor. It is better not to wait for complications and immediately deal with the problem.
Risks of Gum Contouring
If the operation is done correctly, no complications are observed. The duration of the procedure does not exceed one hour. After gum sculpting, slight pain, swelling, and redness are quite normal, which persist for the first 2-3 days. However, the following complications may also occur:
- constant bleeding;
- strong and long mobility of teeth;
- swelling for more than 5 days;
- the appearance of an inflammatory process;
- hypersensitivity
If you observe worsening symptoms in yourself, as well as the appearance of new complications, you should immediately contact your dentist. In addition, some of the risks of gum contouring may be an allergy to the anesthetic and relapse of gum tissue.
Gum contouring is one of the most common procedures in dentistry. You have to remember that any surgery comes with risks, but this procedure has a low risk of bleeding or infection. If you do not have serious oral diseases and are ready to follow all post-operative procedures, you will be able to enjoy your perfect smile very soon.