Metal Braces: Pros and Cons


Metal braces are traditional braces system designed to fix bite issues for over 130 years. Despite the emergence of more modern models of ceramics and artificial sapphire, they still lead in popularity.

This is an effective and time-tested solution for correcting pathological bites and uneven teeth. The design features a metal framework secured to the teeth.

How Do Metal Braces Work?

A stainless steel correction system has been a traditional and familiar choice for many years. For a high level of strength, the arc can be made of titanium and nickel alloys, and their ligatures are wire or rubber. Traditional braces quickly eliminate bite problems and align teeth, are a highly effective therapy, and come at a relatively low price.

The metal orthodontic system consists of three main elements. There are plates fixed to the surface of each tooth using a special dental adhesive. Also, the arch is the main element of the system. It passes through the braces with metal, connecting them into a single structure and applying tension to the teeth. The fastenings can be made in the form of metal elements or plastic rubber bands.

The operating concept behind the metallic bracket setup is based pertaining to configuration changes of the orthodontic arch. The wire is elastic and has a memory effect. Initially, it is given the correct shape, which corresponds to the normal position of the teeth. When an arch is attached to crooked teeth, it often reverts to its original shape. Due to this, it exerts an influence on the teeth (presses, pulls), and drags them along with it, forcing them to move to the accurate placement.

The main procedure takes place in two stages: preparation, covering dental care, gums, oral cavity, making an impression and braces, and installation of a brace system. Then the NY dentist walks you through caring for your braces. Typically, people wear braces for 1 to 3 years and visit the dentist 1-3 times a month for routine upkeep and structural adjustments.

When the brace system is removed, it will take extended recovery period to ensure lasting results: you will need to wear invisalign braces, these are devices, like a removable mouth guard, or a permanent bracket that is fixed on the inside of the teeth.

Types of Metal Braces

As a rule, the dentist advises the setup of steel braces after an examination and diagnostics. Metal braces are used in the following cases:

  • dental defects;
  • displacement of teeth due to loss or removal, in the absence of prosthetics;
  • disproportionate jaw development;
  • treatment of crowded teeth;
  • dystopia of fangs;
  • midline violation;
  • bite pathology.

To correct the bite, vestibular orthodontic structures are most often used. They are attached to the front surface of the teeth and come in two types. Ligature systems include such mandatory elements as rubber or metal fastening rings, with the help of which the arch is fixed in the grooves of the braces. Different types of metal braces, which do not have to be changed regularly, are considered a more functional option. But rubber bands can have different colors, which makes them more attractive to children. Ligature systems have drawbacks, including bulkier sizes and the requirement for monthly adjustments.

The second type is self-ligating metal dental braces. They are equipped with locking clips built into the locks. The advantages of such systems are faster installation, low profile, and a reduction in the number of doctor visits for activation to once every two months. The downside is the higher installation cost.

It is believed that all metal braces on the teeth are conspicuous, and thus are categorized as orthodontic solutions with poor aesthetics. But this is not entirely true. There are also normal braces in this category, which are fixed on the inside of the row.

Advantages of Metal Braces

Even with the use of different materials for bite correction, such as ceramics, sapphires, plastic and silicone-based materials, metal braces continue to be favored because of their key benefits. They have high mechanical strength: no other material matches steel in this aspect, and metal braces for teeth can withstand significant chewing loads without deforming or breaking, although chewing nuts is not recommended. Their budget-friendly cost makes metal braces more economical compared to ceramic and sapphire options.

Metal structures are especially effective in complex pathologies, creating maximum impact on the dentition, although for slight defects in constructions made from other materials can be used. These braces metal provide quick results, meanwhile items created from ceramic or sapphire, even if less conspicuous on the enamel, require longer wear, just as aligners do. At its core, the metal system remains durable and does not rust thanks to the use of special medical steel. The plates are not stained by wine, coffee, berries and additional food colorants.

Disadvantages of Metal Braces

On the other hand, traditional metal braces feature a some negative points. They have low aesthetics since metal braces cannot be hidden from the eyes of others, especially if they are ligature and vestibular-type structures. There is also a risk of allergies and microtraumas: 0.1% of patients have intolerance regarding specific metal composites. Furthermore, the metal the components of braces can lead to mucous membrane discomfort, and injure the tongue and the inner surface of the lips or cheeks.

In the first days with metal traditional braces, there may be a nagging pain due to the movement of teeth, so it is better to eat liquid or soft foods and rinse your mouth with cold water. Damage to mucous membranes is possible; avoid spicy, sour and salty foods. Avoid tough meats, chips, nuts, fibrous foods, and chewy foods to avoid damaging your braces and making cleaning difficult. Brush your teeth after each meal for at least five minutes, use special cleaning tools, brushes, floss and irrigator. Carry out professional hygiene once every six months.

Article Approved by:

Elyse Kerschner Pediatric Dentist, DDS