Modern Methods of Nerve Removal from the Tooth

Dental nerve removal is a forced measure of dental therapy, which is carried out with a progress of caries and its untimely cleansing.
First of all, you need to know what a tooth nervus is. Inside a tooth is a cavity of neural pathways and blood vessels. It’s a pulp and due to its sensitivity, a tooth feels cold, hot. Pulp is an obstacle to a reproduction of bacteria. When a nervus is deleted, a tooth turns a “dead” one, as its blood supply stops. This leads to tarnishing of an enamel and reduction of its strength. At the same time, with accurate excision, high-grade canal filling, pulpless tooth can serve the patient for long years.
Unfortunately, today a stubborn disregard for preventive dental examinations is the main problem. A small black hole in tooth enamel remains unnoticed until it becomes many times larger and completely erodes a hard tooth crown. With delayed medication, caries gets at pulp, and later on pulpitis evolves. The primary indications of pulpitis are acute tooth pang and, sometimes, increased body temperature. There could be also bleeding gums.
In Which Circumstances Is It So Essential to Fulful Tooth Nerve Removal?
Neoteric dentists consider depulpation as an extreme measure and seek to apply other treatment methods. But in certain situations it’s not possible to do without removing a nerve and cleaning out canals. Indications for a procedure:
- spread of carious lesions to a pulp and a progress of pulpitis;
- periodontitis;
- massive carious cavity;
- mechanical injury of the tooth.
The definitive decision on removal of a nerve is approving by doctor. There are some contraindications, such as: stomatitis, acute infections, open tuberculosis, viral hepatitis. However, even with these diseases, in most circumstances there is necessity to reveal pulp for cure an affected tooth, therefore, contraindications are relative.
Today, dentistry in a question of root canal nerve removal adheres to contemporary methods that don’t cause painful sensations during therapy.
Many patients are afraid to tear out a nerve, as they expect keen ache. In fact, current medicine offers such methods of this therapy, which don’t cause the slightest discomfort, and even more pain. Aforetime there was one proven method of removal with using of arsenic. With an advent of new approaches to dental curing, this method is exploited less. New nerve removal techniques offer the patient a quick and efficient solution of the problem.
Medication begins after confirmation of a diagnosis of injury in tooth nerve. For this exclusion visual inspection and X-ray examination is used. Today, you can do it during a single visit to the dentist. Depulping steps:
- X-ray examination to prove the diagnosis;
- Local or general anesthesia (the latter can be applied by the requirement of a patient);
- pulp removal using special implements;
- Dental canal filling. Accurate filling process is important in reducing the risk of complications. In certain occasions, a temporary filling can be replaced after nerve removal and after couple of days be replaced by constant one.
Removal of a tooth nerve has certain repercussions. Pulpless tooth, as a rule, becomes brittle because it’s not only devoid of nerve, but also of the blood vessels located around it. The vessels have the function of humidifying tissues of the tooth from inside. Its enamel becomes grayish and duller, losing some of its luster.
After therapy, it can be some complications that are related with incorrect removal or with anatomical particularities of dental canals and pulp. On gums can be swelling as well, patient feels malaise with bad breath and pain. All of this is caused by an inflammatory process. In this situation, the patient ought to visit the dentist immediately.
If you don’t want to pass off dental nerve removal procedure, it’s desirable to take care of your oral cavity and not neglect the nascent carious processes. Visiting a dentist every six months, you will prevent this issue. Remember, that regular dental cleaning and the use of high-quality toothpaste combining with visits in time to the dental clinic is the best way to save you from a nerve removal procedure.