Nerve Damage After Wisdom Tooth Extraction: Symptoms and Treatment

Nerve pain after a tooth extraction is considered quite natural after such a dental procedure.
The tissues that surround the third molar also have nerve endings and show their sensitivity. However, the painful sensations should not increase. Normally it subsides over the next few days. It usually subsides over the next few days. With increased pain and swelling, it is important to consult a dentist in time, as there is a risk of complications.
According to statistics, nerve pain in the gum after a tooth extraction occurs in 25-30% of cases. This is because those molars are located in a hard-to-reach area and are surrounded by a large amount of soft tissue. In addition, deep caries can also affect the occurrence of nerve pain, which, although visible visually, is not always accompanied by pain. Therefore, when the lesion goes too far, pulpitis develops, and inflammation of the dental nerve appears, which in an advanced stage is already accompanied by severe pain. The most widespread complication after procedure of tooth removal is tissue numbness or paresthesia. This condition may spread to the tongue, cheek and lips, while the taste sensation may disappear. Paresthesia appears with a bruised nerve after tooth extraction, severe edema, or improper administration of the anesthetic.
Difficulties can arise during any dental treatment. When dentist removes a wisdom tooth also comes with several risks, such as:
- dry socket;
- nerve damage;
- infection;
- bleeding.
Improper tooth position, its twisted roots, or very close dislocation of the trigeminal nerve may cause nerve pain in the mouth after tooth extraction.
Symptoms of Nerve Damage
Inside the tooth behind a hard shell is a soft tissue – the pulp. It consists of nerves, lymphatics, and blood vessels. When the infection gets to the pulp, an inflammatory process develops. The patient feels some soreness in the area of an affected tooth. After a while, unpleasant symptoms increase. The pain in each case is characterized by different sensations: sharp, aching, pulling: sharp, aching, and pulling. In some cases, the pain practically does not go away.
Concerning the removal of the third molar, the person begins to feel symptoms of nerve damage after wisdom teeth removal three hours after the operation. It can be sensations of goosebumps all over the cheek, burning, numbness, and pain. Also within a few days, swelling, inflammation or redness of the tissues may appear. However, nerve damage after a tooth extraction is less common. As usual, this is temporary and does not last more than a few weeks. If the nerve is severely damaged, this pain can become permanent. It can also interfere with daily stuff, such as making it difficult to chew and swallow.
Nerve Pain Treatment
Often, mild nerve pain after wisdom tooth removal does not require strong treatment. All symptoms gradually disappear over the following days. It’s worth remembering that if you have severe nerve pain after wisdom tooth extraction, you should contact a doctor as soon as possible. For diagnosis, he will prescribe the necessary examinations. With the help of a panoramic x-ray, the doctor will determine the pathological focus and make an accurate diagnosis. After that, the doctor prescribes treatment for nerve damage after wisdom tooth extraction. Eliminate inflammation of the nerve in two ways. It all depends on the stage of the lesion.
Conservative way. The method is otherwise called biological. It is used only in the initial stages of pulp inflammation and ensures its preservation. The patient has been prescribed painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve pain. Suitable for those patients who do not have chronic diseases.
Surgical method. This technique is used in the majority of cases since patients often go to the doctor when the disease is already running. For surgical treatment, several visits to the dentist are required. This treatment involves the complete removal of the nerve. First, using an x-ray, the dentist examines the features of the roots of the tooth – their number, width, and length of the channels. Next comes anesthesia and the elimination of the damaged nerve.
If the nerve is damaged but not cut, the injury will heal. However, if the nerve is torn, then its treatment is fraught with difficulties. For a full recovery, more serious manipulations will be required. In addition, the age of the patient also matters. The older the person, the longer the molar roots, which increases the risk of nerve injury.
For better effectiveness of treatment, it’s always worthwhile to prevent the development of inflammation of the nerve. If the patient has nerve pain after tooth removal and symptoms persist, a dental specialist should be consulted for treatment adjustments. The patient must carefully monitor oral hygiene using properly selected instruments. In addition, it’s important to visit the dentist at least 2 times a year, this will allow timely detection of caries and prevent its complications. Avoid jaw injuries, this applies primarily to athletes. It must be remembered that no one is immune from the complications that may occur after the removal of the upper and lower molars.