Why Some Dental Implants Fail? Dental Implant Rejection Symptoms


Dental implant rejection is considered the most severe complication after such a dental manipulation. Fortunately, in modern dentistry it’s a rare probability because modern methods often have a positive result, and the materials used are constantly being improved. The timing of implantation depends on immunity, the patient's clinical history, and the correct observance of medical procedures, and then recommendations. On average, the survival period is up to six months.

Rejection of implants can occur both in the first week and over the following months. There are some periods of tissue destruction:

  • Early. It occurs almost immediately from the moment of the operation to the prosthetics. The pathological mechanism can be triggered by a violation of the intervention protocol or aggressive preparation.
  • Medium-term. It develops within 1.5-2 years from the moment of prosthetics.
  • Late or distant. Rejection develops after 2-3 years.

In case if the complication occurs shortly after the operation, then it’s accompanied by bad breath and other implant rejection symptoms. If this happens, the patient should immediately contact the dentist, who will unscrew and clean the temporary plug. If signs appear after a few days or weeks, then removal of the structure is often required.

Dental Implant Rejection Symptoms

Dentists observe identical signs of rejection in different categories of people. The patient complains of pain in the area of implantation, redness, and swelling of the gums. It is worth noting that normally after the procedure there may be slight discomfort and swelling. The deterioration of the patient's condition indicates that the body rejects the dental implant. Also, it could be bleeding when brushing teeth, and with increased sensitivity of the gums, blood is released with slight pressure or eating. As the pathological process develops, a putrefactive odor from the mouth, a severe pain syndrome, occurs. The main danger of rejection lies not only in the loosening of the artificial rod but also in the development of osteomyelitis. These symptoms of tooth implant rejection should beсome a motivation for urgent medical attention. In the absence of treatment, inflammation spreads to the jawbone with its possible damage.

Usually, the implantation is well tolerated by patients, however, medical recommendations should be strictly followed and the state of the oral cavity and well-being should be monitored. Suppuration, detachment of the gums, exposure of the artificial root, and loosening of the gum tissue in the area of implantation can also indicate rejection. Another symptom is possible numbness of the gums or part of the face. Normally, the action of the anesthetic stops after 4-10 hours. The persistence of numbing indicates nerve damage.

If the patient has found such dental implant rejection symptoms, it’s important to visit the dentist, who will select an individual tactic for solving the problem, depending on the possible cause and the period of its occurrence. Be sure to prescribe anti-inflammatory medicine, antibiotics, and antihistamines. As an additional necessary measure, the dentist may completely remove the implant.

Dental Implant Rejection Causes

The survival of artificial structures is influenced by various factors. One of the main dental implant rejection causes is peri-implantitis. This inflammatory process occurs in the bone and soft tissues around the implant, which leads to its rejection. This condition can develop both soon after installation, and over a few months or even years.

What Can Affect the Rejection of the Implant?

• low-quality materials • poor oral hygiene • non-compliance with the recommendations of a specialist • excessive load on the artificial root • doctor's incompetence • allergy to the materials that make up the structure • immune diseases do not allow a 100% prognosis and often lead to such consequences

When tooth implant rejection occurs, it’s important to establish the root cause of the problem. Only its elimination will help restore dentition, eliminating the risk of developing a second complication. Reliably finding out the reasons for the rejected dental implant can only be a dentist after checking the patient's state.

After all the manipulations, an important step is to follow the recommendations and instructions of the dentists. The speed and final result of their engraftment, as well as the state of gums and teeth, depend on the quality of care for dental implants. The whole complex of measures to maintain oral hygiene is aimed at removing food debris from the prosthesis itself, the crown part and the space between the teeth. To do this, the patient can use a medium soft toothbrush, dental floss, and rinses. In addition, dentists recommend:

  1. give up bad habits so as not to irritate the mucous membrane and not provoke bleeding;
  2. do not do strong physical activity to give the body time to recover;
  3. do not visit saunas and solariums;
  4. avoid hard and spicy foods;
  5. do not touch the operated area with your hands or tongue;
  6. try to chew on the opposite side of the jaw

Following all the recommendations of the dentist after dental surgery speeds up the process of healing and minimizes the risk of negative consequences.

A well-made dental implant does not cause rejection, although it does not exclude the occurrence of complications. It’s important to respond to the signs in time. Preventive measures include adequate oral hygiene, and timely examination by the dentist (at least 3 times in the first year of surgery). Re-implantation is possible a few months after rejection.